Ganat Hospital & Elderly Care Center is poised to delivering quality and timely healthcare to all age groups. Our facilities are opened 24hrs everyday.
To be the first in healthcare delivery and care with the help of research qualified, quaified personnel and technology
Redefining healthcare in Africa, one country at a time
Ganat Healthcare Initiative
Ganat Healthcare Initiative a non-profit organisation that is specifically focused on the care and health of the older persons or senior citizens. It is a product of Ganat Hospital and Healthcare Services. It is our own way of giving back to the senior citizens who have once served us.
Making the care and health of the older persons paramount and driving it into the consciousness of humanity that ageing is a blessing
To make institutions, people, governments and mankind in general to think positively about the older persons through our services or offerings
Dignity for all humans
We treats our clients with dignity and make them feel that they deserve respect and honor
Respect for diversity
We honor and value our clients equally irrespective of their background or status
Advocacy for Older Persons
The course we fight for is that senior citizens should enjoy a better life
High standard services
We don't compromise standards as we do our bit to make a positive change
Would You Like To Discuss About Your Health?
Are You Sixty-Five (65) Years And Above?
Are You Sixty-Five (65) Years And Above?
You can benefit from our ngo led services for the elderly.